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is their going to be  pregnancy 

Not on the list yet, but possible

Hey congratulations on the steady progress i only started following and supporting the project about a year ago and it seems a lot of progress has been made. Really pat yourselves on the back and looking forward to what comes next.

This game is only 1 year and 1 month old, you quite literally didn't miss anything


Dude I’ve followed other projects where the devs just disappear without saying a word on a promising project. I think its important to let the devs know how well they are doing on one keeping the backers and supporters happy as well as the great quality of the work. that’s why I’m saying congratulations on the steady updates with quality still being upheld.

What I mean is that saying "following for a year" doesn't mean anything because the game is only 1 year old

(1 edit)

It means I’ve been following form the beginning and have seen the progress. but i get what you mean i didnt miss anything in that month i wasn’t supporting it lol.


Please don't add ntr

Why do y'all care about that?

Not saying you don't have the right to ask to not be a cuck, but another game said "As long as I am alive, there will NEVER be NTR."


I'm really enjoyed this game,but why protagonist of this kind of game always have to be a loser? it's so annoyed.

(1 edit) (+2)

Maybe you should have noticed the Femdom Tag, but he'll get to have some power eventually, right

Also there is a new devlog


When does the gallery come out?

So far still good one even there's is no mini game or rgp element perhaps make you choices matter on the story still have so much rooms to grow on this game to bad they up quiet slow.


when is the Update? i cant wait

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

This was AWESOME. The history was nothing new, but it was pretty well written and with a few nice twists. Dialogue is more meaningfull than other you see in the genre. I feel like the protagonist is someone, not just an avatar. The scenes were pretty HOT, you're talented in the renders. Definetly putting some incetive in the Patreon :D


"slave knight",,,? like,,, gael,,,?


Finally someone got the reference :)


Is the game story completed


it's just started broo


Try Godess's whim you'll like it 


a GREAT game but need quick updates i think and needs foot content


Loving this so far. The story is interesting, the dialog makes me laugh, and the animations are great. The characters are super likable, too. And the fact you can get a whole fully-animated fem-dom yandere ending, without any hint to it, is amazing.

Super excited for more.


How long does an update take like I am not into rush just so I can be sure when the new update comes out I can play it immediately


We do give out hints and sneak peaks about where development progress is at on the discord. But the ultimately the answer is: When it's ready and meets quality standards for a lot of custom animations, fully custom 3d assets, script, scenes, and sounds.




So when is the vaunted not pussy mc gonna be implemented?

(1 edit) (+6)(-2)

All I'll say is: this is not the typical over-powered MC fantasy isekai. Expect a long journey instead with some grim-dark and funny "grim-dank" struggles as you "survive your abduction into the warp by a daemon of Slaanesh."

No worries thank for the reply I'll still check it out later but not right now. Don't get me wrong I'm not against the idea of a big women domming but I've just been overexposed to mcs that don't take action if you get what I mean.


Haven't checked it out yet, but this looks fun - the characters are cute and the scenes look pretty well-done!

Question for the shameless submissives like myself - are you able to be submissive and loyal towards the Goddess and other female characters, or is the story going to mainly revolve around struggling and rebelling against them?

(5 edits) (+5)(-1)

You will be able to choose your path with the Succubus Goddess. Leaning into submission and finding a workable relationship is one such path. Seeking freedom is another possible goal instead.

See the dom-sub chart above on the itch IO page: Generally, characters are presented with their "place" on the spectrum, and it's up2u who you want to engage in optional H-scenes/romance with.

(These are not tight bins, just averages of what to expect if you romance said character.)


I see - thanks!  Will definitely check out what there is so far sometime this week.

As for that chart - what's the meaning of the characters who have another little icon next to them?


It'll make sense in-game as the story unfolds.


Gotcha gotcha - noted.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I also recommend checking out From the Sin cross-linked here above. The grand remaster of that game goes public this coming Saturday and if you like this game, that game has similar themes as well.

You will see a similar chart there as well. (It's a sister game to SK.) The biggest difference is that the MC in SK is extraverted, whereas the MC in FtS is introverted.


dude you could have picked a better label for the mc anything but well anything even remotely used to label a hero or anything even slightly close to that.  This mc is a straight up wussy a coward of cowards and useless to no end.  This sissy is even scared of a tussle with weak chicks.  Its hard to stomach at times. 


Character development my friend, right now he is sort of an imposter hero but he will grow into the role and earn it. And let's be fair, the chick had a knife.

Say "anything" some more.


Animations, amazing.
Story, very interesting when you get past the usual early minutes of what happens to make mc where he is ect.
Characters, very cute.

9/10, cant wait for next update.



Any update on the update? it's been just about half a year now since the last one. Just wondering if we're talking days, weeks, or months. 


Expect a couple more weeks, It's in the end stages but there's still some more work to be done before it's ready, sorry for the wait!


Thanks for the reply. Not trying to rush you as you really do have something special in the works here. Way better than most others on itch even with it being early on, so take any excitement/frustration toward the wait as a compliment. The only thing I'm left wishing for is some female moaning sounds in the sex scenes.




this game have Chinese translate? owo


Not yet, but it is something I want to implement in the future.

Thank you for reply, I will be looking forward to it.😎

Question: How far in development is this game? How many hours of play time can I expect from this game?


No need to answer anymore. Already played through it. Still pretty early in development. But I did like what I saw, I think this game does have great potential, I liked the character and the story is interesting. 

I do feel though that some scenes are pretty stretched, like the scene where the Hero meets the Queen and the court and they decide his fate. I was barely reading the text at some point, just waiting for it to get further. I think the reason for that are the high amounts of inner monolog. I think shortening that would help the flow of the game. You are making a game Afterall not a book.

I know that this is your story and you want the player to understand the thought process of the Hero you created, but since we play as we hero he should become our character, meaning we should do most of the thinking, not the thinking being done for us. I hope you understand what I mean with this

This will hurt the showcasing of the heroes depression and showing people how people with depression think and act, but it will make the playing experience better. Maybe use extra scenes for showcasing outside of the main story for raising awarness about depression, but it hinders the flow of the story drastically in my opinion in the way it is done currently.


It's actually a visual closer related to a book than a game.

I am aware that it is a visual novel. Still, like in most games, you play the character; you make the decisions about what they do, shaping their character in the process.

For example, the "choice" to either team up with Fudge or not is something that massively shapes the character of the player. Even though we don’t currently have a choice there. Or the decision to use Yuna's powers for your own benefit or to try to avoid using them. Given that Cibbon isn’t in control of the character – we are. So we should be doing the thinking. We are not just reading a story; we are part of the story.

That is the beauty of visual novels; otherwise, Cibbon could just publish a book or comic. So the heroes thinking should be us thinking, given that we embody him during the story. 

Therefore, my argument still stands.

Is there a way to join the discord? because the link is expired


Died of a heart-attack due to cuteness overload. 10/10 would agree to train fennec again. 

On a more serious note.. this VN is starting off strong.. a lot of care and love is put in to the characters to the point it makes me want to love and care for them as well(Enril must be protected at all costs).

Not much more to be said, will be watching this game with great interest :)

will there be more language options in the future,just a little curious 😊️

Spanish is highly likely in the future.

mb Russian?


This games art and animations is awesome what software did you use if you don't mind me asking?

(4 edits)

Koikatsu, CharaStudio, VUE, PlantFactory, Ren'py, Python, GIMP, Photoshop, FFMPEG, Audacity, Blender, Unity 5.6.2, FontForge

can you change their outfits?


stupid question but at what point sense is enough of a sense for it to have goddess for it? i mean we have goddess of taste, but there is no "balance" "pain" "pleasure." and why is it only one goddess for taste? i mean we have receptors for sweet salty umami spicy sour tastes; and some animals dont have sweet sensor (like dog) so it is different sense in its own right. that is without mentioning other unique sweet receptors (like the one humming birds have) or other receptors that humans lack entirely!

(and there is multiple receptors for smell as well so uhm)

It's probably just the main 5 senses, touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. And no specifics.


yeah but i mean what makes a "goddess" should not be what a human thinks are main 5 senses; does that makes sense? like out understanding of sense of sweet as part of taste is simply the way we choose to divide not the way it actually is; like when i see something red it is not actually red, but "red" is how i see it.

(1 edit)

Yeah that makes sense but those goddesses have other powers too, kind of. Like the succubus of touch is called the Ice Queen or something

P. S. your username is weird, if you mean you transitioned, cool, but 'Dude' isn't a gender-based thing. Or do you just mean you don't like being called a dude


P diddy approves this game


when's the release?

Prob, not soon pal, Not soon...


I mean, pretty good plot for this kind od game but i think you can do better, It irittates me that i Play some time and puff "yea its the end" i met 2 charakters and fucked only one, release full gamę, dont be like Ubisoft


imagine knowingly trying out a very early access game and being upset you didn't get the full product. Even if you meant the patreon stuff that's just 2 weeks early stuff and it helps them get money to continue working on the game. though all that being said, would be nice to get some kind of save before x build of the game ends to not lose progress.

I'm confused by the end bit. I downloaded 0.02c and went straight to 0.03c and my saves were fine

(4 edits) (+4)

The main creator is getting close to being able to quit his current job and work full-time on SK (like 70% of the way already in terms of needed pledges). Once that happens, you can expect updates to be a lot faster.

But as for the story, the MC is still early in finding his way in the world, so it may take a bit longer before he can tie the knot. He still has to meet a lot of the upcoming cast first!!! But other kinds of spicy H-content will be coming in 0.04 very soon.


Kinda crazy how successful this game already is. Don't get me wrong, it's high quality but it's rare to see after just two updates and as a newcomer in the scene. There are so many games in this style (AVN's) already after all. But hey, more power to the game and it's creator. Would be cool if it all works out and this will become a full-time job. :)

yea cause right now he is pretty much a worthless good for nothing weak nut loser and the only reason chicks dig that scrawny peckerhead is cause well cause plot said so cause the mc is the exact opposite of whst any actual chicl would willingly want.


Release on steam


It's Cibbon's own choice what they do


If ure not dev or smth, stay quiet


if u have  a mouth or brain,Stay politeness





that would make it cost money so. no?


Can i ask something, will impregnation genre will included? Just ask:)

She didn't include it in the fetish list so propably not, but maybe

thanks for answering 👍


Loved what is available so far. Excited to see more when the time comes. 


so much potential, can't wait for next update


I agree with you


Good game, need up dates


and good games need time so chill omg

(2 edits) (+2)

I just tried the game and I found it extremely good! Will be watching this one with close attention!

I don't know if I can ask that, but I'll try anyway... Is there a footjob scene planned for Fudge, like her "palmjob"? Like, her, stepping on the protagonist's penis and inserting it into her foot. Again, I don't know if I can ask, so please ignore if I'm overstepping my boundaries!

But serisouly, thank you for this game. It's great.

While im not the creator, footjobs are definitely planned and are within reason going to be added for several characters, so its a high likelihood at this moment that your wish can be granted. Just have to wait patiently for content to be made :D


Thank you for the reply! Knowing that footjobs are indeed planned is great news! Really hoping for that Fudge content! :p


would really love to see our MC unable to cum cause of a orgasm denial spell/curse as a bad end


WOnderfull story telling and amazing animation


So far so good but DAMN DOES IT ATTACK MY INSECURITIES! Objectively its probably one of the best/better ones out there.

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