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When the new update will release?

Round 2 of the monster-girl character poll has started on patreon. Be sure to vote for your favorite species design for the next character in Succubus Kingdom.

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Update on the Build-a-monster-girl poll results:

A sadistic, dominatrix Dark Elf won after multiple elimination rounds. (other details, yet to be decided)

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gallery when?

This game has belly bulge/stomach deformation? Due to MC's cock size


how do i get the miliking the cock in a bucket one?

Pick the "wrong-est" answer when Layla interrogates you.


I've played LOTS koikatsu-based visual novels on itch, But I can safely say even with not a lot of content, Fudge is the best character in any of them, period. I might have a bias for slime girls but even ignoring that part, the looks, theme, and personality, all top tier 

Have you play Goddesses' Whim?

I did! I love the aesthetic but the progression is really confusing, compared to others


With each update I am surprised, I can't wait for the next update, this is by far the best game of its kind that I loved the most, incredible and well-made animations, I hope this project goes far, I intend to sign the patreon and help with the project, congratulations I eagerly await the next update and more H scenes 😊


We all know why most of you guys are here… don't lie! 

Though the story is kinda good. LMAO. 


Love the game! Can't wait till the next  update!


So, I know it might be self-important to type up a long, rambling review as just some rando on the Internet, but forgive me. I just finished a playthrough of the available public content, and I very much like what we've got so far. The scope of the project seems pretty ambitious, and I know that means there's always a risk the dev/writer gets burnt-out partway through, but I'm really hoping this game accomplishes everything it sets out to do.

I admit that I was hesitant at the whole "males are rare so it's just coochie for days" premise, because those stories always feel really artificial to me. A very strong sign of "oh okay, this is a whole world built around a straight guy's fantasy, yay." That can be fine for a porn game, honestly, but this one's also billing itself as porn with a story, which always sounds nice but usually falls flat, and the more justifications the story has to make for why the world just happens to suit a certain set of fantasies, the harder it is to jive with it for me.

It doesn't fall flat here. Oh, the writing is a little rough in some places, and I think a proofreader and/or an editor would help out immensely, but there's real charm in here. The protagonist is in the awkward spot of being the player's avatar, which in most games means he can't show too much personality, but I feel like the writer wasn't afraid to make the protagonist his own character here. It does mean there are times where he very much isn't doing what I would do, but you know what, I actually prefer a protag who's got personality over a blank slate I'm meant to project upon. I just view him as a separate character from "me" and it's better that way.

On the topic of "oops all girls," the immediate introduction of several male characters early into the story tells me that the author probably isn't explicitly avoiding them. I sort of got the impression that the "males are rare" thing is partly to support the protagonist being given such special status. Plus, much like with the whole "goddesses never show themselves to most mortals" thing, I get the impression there's some deeper reason that will be important later on. It's a trope I'm usually quite skeptical toward, but the good work so far has me plenty willing to see where this goes.

(Of course, the audience of this game will primarily be straight guys, and I am by no means disparaging attempts to keep them comfortable and catered-to. If I hated the idea of a titty-palooza, I wouldn't be here, heh heh. I just like immersive stories where the world needn't necessarily revolve around me, the player.)

The lewds are more scarce than I'd expected, but I found myself quite fine with that. I was enjoying the story and character interaction enough that when the lewds did occur, they felt earned and justified. The characters are appealing, the lewd scenes are animated extremely well, and the time not spent on horny scenes doesn't feel wasted at all. That last part is something I can't frequently say about lewd games.

(Plus, throwing in a scene where you fuck a slime-girl's arm tells me the author isn't going to shy away from indulging in some more unorthodox monster-girl fun, heck yeah.)

Additionally, I'm pretty excited about some of the plot hooks being laid out. There is clearly a lot going on the protagonist isn't aware of. And there's a lot going on with Fudge: I know most players trust her, but I have a lot of questions about both her motives and her activities. She also has the advantage on us, in that she can see our memories, but that doesn't go both ways. Such an unequal relationship doesn't reassure me at all. I hope I'm just being paranoid, though!

In all, I think that once I'm through my current financial turbulence, I should see about throwing some support at the creator. I really want to see this project succeed.


This has so much promise already. I've seen a lot of these Koikatsu Renpy games and the animations, even for just smaller animations during dialogue (where most of those games wouldn't even have an animation, just a fade out fade in) are so well made. One other thing, Fudge is the best and I am making my choices based on what gets me closer to her.


loving the game so far. The Cgs are one of the best I've ever seen on koikatsu and the story is pretty interesting.

Also please tell me the bisexual option wasn't just a joke. I need to see Ramires getting fucked...

Vine Boom by PTBPlays5676

This has massive potential, I could make an essay to show my appreciation, but there's no need. The models are good, the animations are good, and I think there is lots of room for growth in the story... many ideas come to mind like DOGMA, traveling across many worlds, meeting gods, etc.

Thanks for putting in your time & effort into this VN, it was enjoyable.


I know that it might be difficult but as part of one of the next updates can you please make the game remember progress between updates. I want to follow along with development but I don't want to reset the game every update.



Is there a playlist for the OST?




Reference to Godesses whim? 🤣 I look foward to the update thank you


I gotta say! I never had so much fun playing a 18+ Game! I laughed alot and every character made me giggle and laugh so hard, the character expressions, movement everything so well done! Keep up the good work!



What translation languages? German? It would be fun for me, to read it on german! And then I would never skip something!

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So I really enjoyed the game so far. Great job on the models and animations. Fudge is definitely best girl! A lot of the jokes landed well for me too. I do have one complaint however. I feel like there's sometimes too much talking during serious events where it would have a higher impact to cut it shorter. Like during the queen assassination attempt or the bar fight.  Specially for the bar, everyone just stands there forever and it took me out of the immersion. Also, why doesn't the Hero use his scent powers in that situation at all? The two masked girls would have started to get affected by then since they were in the room for a while and the scent is probably all over the place already. Or when he grabs her and gets really close. I know you get to choose if you want to use your powers for evil or not, but against people who try to kill you, it shouldn't be a problem morally. I think it would have been interesting to have the option to mind control them in some way and show off your mysterious powers.

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I agree with the majority of your feedback and updated the Inn scene so there isn't as much standing around before the action starts.

And also, thank you for the kind words <3

I didn't expect my feedback to be taken into consideration. Thank you! I look forward to the changes!

agree bout the inn scene makes the mc seem about as useful as bullet dildo without batteries... its equivelant to a weak scrawny lil incel geekwad type loser.  Its impossible to even begin to think of him as a hero in any way at all so far and i get he is a normal guy on earth but for fucks sake he is a man he should st least try display at the very least a small set of balls.


Damn, very very good game! 😭


this gamke is a combination of incredible world building and A LOT of jojo's reference


Amazing work! The story, the girls, the memes - exquisite.


hope the male stuff is optional since im not really into also i wanna say i love your game!


in this line did you mean to write "sundown" or "dusk"? cause dawn here does not make much sense.


Thanks for the catch; we'll fix that in the H-scene update.


Will this game ever become a sandbox or a game with interactives besides just a option a or b type VN? It would be really nice to see some form of sandbox element.

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Hi, when I download 0.3 does it auto-update or do I have to restart the game?

Never expected to be this a very good content game. But I will looking forward for the updates.


Incredible game, easily the most promising of its type, thank you for the amazing and consistent quality.

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Well I'm sold so far. I play a lot of Renpy games on Itch. Not a lot to the game yet, no surprise, it's version 0.03. Game's barely got off the ground but boy did it hit the ground running.

and yet with what little is here so far, I already fucking love it probably my 3rd favorite title thus far. Especially Fudge and Aimi. they are fun. And Yuna. Snarking her is very enjoyable and I look forward to seeing more of us giving her every bit of passive aggressive grief we can.

Scenes (and "Scenes") so far are better quality/effort than most I've seen, not just default Koikatsu stuff.

Setting is interesting (RIP the fuck out of Earth though.)

11/10 experience so far for me, +1 Patreon Sub for you.

please sir, what are the top 1 and 2 picks??


Goddess's Whims and Corrupted Kingdoms.

World Tamer and Champion of Realms is something I can recommend as well

both of these are good...  CK is actually my fav one to date.


Is there more H scenes or am i to stupid to find them


No not yet, one "Game over route" H-scene will be added in a mini update very very soon.

im using linux on a decently powerful chromebook and other than moving scenes the game runs flawlessly, is there any way to make the scenes work? cause whenever i enter a scene that has movement like at the start when she has you chained up the fps just drops entirely, ive tried the linux port and android port and still havent got any luck.

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Small chance this works: Is your resolution set to 1920x1080?

Resizing the video frames takes up come computation time and maybe this will help your computer process the animation videos quickly enough. Also close any other background programs that could be eating into your computer's ability to process large video files in realtime.


Feel kinda bad for the girl who got crushed...




Any chance for preg?




"Come for the lewds, stay for the story."


Actual goated game, well i be damned but the doctor is the prettiest female fictional character i have ever seen

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